Courses provides a great way to quickly share learning opportunities to your colleagues. Courses also provides simple to access yet robust analytics of completed course information. Here's how to access that great data!
Please note that this information is only available to ZERO account Team Leads and Administrators.
1. Navigate to Courses using the ZERO sidebar.
2. Using the filer or search tool, select the Course you would like to view data on. This is example, the course is "Example Course- Ladder Safety".
3. Select the "Analytics" tab. You will be presented with a wide variety of information about the results of your course. You can also export this view as a PDF using the "Export to PDF" button on the upper right hand side of the screen.
4. You can also export this Course information into Excel using the "Reports" tab.
5. To dig deeper into the questions of the Course specifically, navigate to "Manage Courses" from the gear menu and select "View Analytics" from the "..." to the right of the Course title. You can view responses to Course questions both in aggregate and responses completion by completion.