ZERO Check-in gives you the ability to organize and assign workspaces and office spaces. This is a premium feature and available by contacting your account representative.

Once you have locations established, it is time to setup your desks. Here's how to do that! 

1. Navigate to the ZERO Settings and select "Manage Desks".

2. You will be presented with the ZERO Spaces setup toolset. Notice the tabs under the filter tool. You can control the following from the tabs: 

  • Desks- Individual locations in your workplace
  • Locations- All of the locations where you have workspaces. This includes floors, floorplans, and check-in                 surveys.
  • Alerts- Control daily check-in reminders.
  • Managers- Colleagues who can an create, edit, and assign desks as well as control all settings for this                     feature (locations, spaces, alerts, etc.).

To get started, select the "Locations" tab.

3. Once to "Locations", select the location you wish to edit. In the example, "Demo Location" has been selected.

4. You will want to first establish the Spaces at your location. This could be designates as floors, wings, areas, or any other workplace terms that may be used to describe work areas. To add a new Space, select "+Add space".

You can also upload any floor plan information here as well, which could include desk labels. Please note that ZERO will not do this for you and will require an image with this information already included in the floor plan image. 

When complete, be sure to select "Update" before moving on to add check-in survey information. 

5. To add a check-in survey, select Survey to the right of "Spaces". The textbox provided is where you can compose a check-in message based on your organization's needs to comply with local, state, and national health standards. This is a full featured text editor, so images, alternate fonts, and lists are possible- get creative! Below the textbox are "Checkbox Responses". This is where your colleagues will indicate agreement to the content of the survey. 

When you are done, your check-in survey could look like this: 

6. When you are done with creating or updating the survey, be sure to select "Save" or "Update".

7. Please click here to learn how to create individual workspaces.