Please note: this feature is available to "desk managers" only.
How to cancel a check-in (i.e., release a desk):
- Click on the Gear Icon
- Then click on "Manage Desks" in the dropdown menu
3. Then click on the "Check-Ins" tab
4. Here you can see a full list of all "pending" check-ins.
5. Now search for the person's name (or email). In this case, we'll search for "Alex". You can also search by location name (for example, "New York City"), floor name/number, or desk name/number.
6. Find the date you want to cancel a check-in for and click on the red trash icon on the far right side of the table. Please note: once you click on the trash can, we will send the effected user an email notification to let them know their reservation has been deleted.
And that it's! You've successfully canceled the check-in.