Setup Instructions: How to use the ZERO List API....
(1) Make sure you have your API Key handy. If you don't have one, you will need to create an API Key first before proceeding (note: only Admins can create/view API keys).
(2) The LIST API supports RESTful API standards with a JSON endpoint and may be utilized to populate values for lists.
(3) Lists created through the LIST API can be selected on the Form Builder (via Manage Templates page) using the "Dropdown (List API)" field.
Base URL = ''
Authorization Options:
- Bearer token in Authorization header (preferred)
- Authorization: "Bearer API_KEY"
- Authorization Parameter
- api_key: "Your API_KEY"
- As an example, you can make a request to to explore the Lists API.
- This method is not recommended for API
JSON Fields:
"uuid": "readonly-uuid-field",
"name": "My list name",
"item_count": 3 // read-only
"items": [
"list item 1",
"list item 2",
"list item 3"
Uses RESTful API standards:
GET /lists - returns all non-deleted lists for your organization (via API key)
GET /lists/<uuid> - returns details for single list or 404
POST /lists - creates a new list
PUT /lists/<uuid> - update list (requires name and full items fields)
PATCH /lists/<uuid> - update list (only updates fields provided)
DELETE /lists/<uuid> - archive list (soft-delete)
Item requirements:
- Items can only consist of strings. Any other value supplied for an item will return an error.
- Empty items are not permitted.
- Lists must have at least one item
- Each item is limited to 2,000 characters.
Other Notes:
- There is no uniqueness constraint on list names. Please name your lists accordingly.
For example, to create a list:
POST request to
parameter: api_key: YOUR API KEY
Body: application/json
Return Result on success will look like: